The International Fellowship is a valuable opportunity for an artist who has not resided in Italy recently who intends to bring his/her/their practice to Rome.

CASTRO offers a 22sqm studio space, monthly tutorials and regular interviews with the Team at CASTRO. During the interviews the Team members will agree on studio visits, workshops with local artisans and guided tour of the city on the base of the fellows interests and practice.

During their stay, the Fellow will have the opportunity to organise a talk or lecture at CASTRO to either present their practice or as a tool to further their research.

The International Fellowship is a valuable opportunity for a foreign artist whose work shows exceptional merit and promise.

Duration: 17 weeks (Mid-October to mid-February and March to June)


Specific award criteria:

Applicants must not be Italian citizens, or of Italian nationality provided they haven’t resident in Italy for at least four years in the last ten years.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate an intention, upon completion of the Scholarship, to work in Italy or otherwise contribute to the wider Italian artistic community.

Applicants must be able to show the importance of a studio program in Rome for their practice; and keen to share the benefits of membership of a vibrant residential community of artists and researchers.


Application fee is 15€

Please note that the studio is a work place only, not live/work



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