Curated by: THE SCHOOL TO BE DONE together with Bik Van Der Pol, Piero Golia, Cesare Pietroiusti
Facilitated by: Irene Angenica

12 April 2022, 6:30 PM @MACRO, Museo Di Arte Contemporanea di Roma

The round table THE SCHOOL TO BE DONE takes place within the framework of the eponymous intensive seminar scheduled from April 4th to 13th, 2022, at the MACRO, curated by CASTRO in collaboration with the Department for Preventive Education.

In its first edition, the THE SCHOOL TO BE DONE intensive seminar brought together a group of students from academies and universities across Italy around the question, “How do you imagine your ideal course?”

Guiding the participants through their journey, with both practical and theoretical approaches, will be five visual arts professionals from national and international backgrounds: the artistic duo Bik Van der Pol (composed of Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol), founders of the School of Missing Studies (NL); Piero Golia, founder of The Mountain School of Art (US); and Cesare Pietroiusti, coordinator of Oreste and currently co-director of the MAP-PA Master’s program in Rome (IT).

The program of THE SCHOOL TO BE DONE is designed to encourage the group to discuss and experiment, through a non-hierarchical approach and a blending of participants and tutors, around the possibility of re-imagining academic formats as we know them. The main goal of the intensive seminar is to conceive a new academic training course.

Over the ten days spent together in Rome, each tutor will guide the group of participants through a dedicated session, led with their personal approach and narrative of experimental education. Within the community living experience, the development of workshop activities, and various experiences throughout each session, participants will be asked to create a final document describing the characteristics of the academic course designed collectively.

The round table serves as the concluding moment of the seminar activities, offering the opportunity for participants and tutors to preliminarily discuss the themes present in the output developed together, as well as providing an additional moment of reflection open to the public, recounting the activities and themes that emerged during the journey.

With the participation of Bik Van Der Pol, Piero Golia, and Cesare Pietroiusti, alongside the participants of the THE SCHOOL TO BE DONE intensive seminar.

The meeting will be moderated by Irene Angenica, Public Relations and Educational Activities Coordinator at MACRO, along with the CASTRO team.

The event will take place on the rooftop of the MACRO auditorium.

Free entry until seats are filled.

Practical information / Access

The Round Table will take place the 15 April from 6:00 PM at the rooftop of the MACRO auditorium..


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