CASTRO has been selected to participate to ArtVerona 15 in the i10-Independent Space section, which will be held from 11-13 October 2019 in Verona.

CASTRO will use this opportunity to bring the CRIT format out of our spaces, adapting it to the fair environment.

CRITS are an American born format which subsequently landed in Europe, in the United Kingdom. They have been one of the cornerstones of education for decades in schools such as Goldsmiths, and are progressively establishing themselves in many institutes and academies of other European countries.

A CRIT (or critical session) is a meeting in which the artists present their work, “offering” it to a collective critique. After a brief introduction of their work by the artist, the discussion is oriented by the interventions of those present, who present their point of view on the work, making comments or questions and triggering a dialogue with the artist. 

The core of CRIT is the exchange between artist and public: CRITS are a collective ritual, and can become opportunities to negotiate shared values ​​and meanings. After a CRIT the artist returns to the studio with a new perspective on his work.

Within ArtVerona, CASTRO wants to give the opportunity to 6 artists to experiment with this format and present their work.

If you’d like to participate, send your application to: info@castroprojects.it

The application must be sent no later than September 14 (11pm) by sending CV, portfolio and, not mandatory, the work* that you intend to present during the CRITS.
It is also required to attend all critical sessions during the three days of the fair.

*It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the work and the physical space it occupies, as the available space is 12 square meters in total, which must contain in addition to the work also the public.


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