Liliana Moro

Liliana Moro lives and works in Milano. She graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, where she studied with Luciano Fabro. In 1989, together with other artists, she founded an artist’s space in Via Lazzaro Palazzi in Milan, active until 1993. 


Encountering the works of Liliana Moro we have the perception that only what is strictly necessary is present. Sound, words, sculptures, objects and performance, compose a world that “stages” a reality simultaneously raw and poetic. A prominent element in Liliana Moro’s research is the political dimension, not translated in the illustration of contents, but related to the forms of addressing the recipients; for example by placing her work on the ground she implicitly asks the viewer to bend down to see it. Liliana Moro has shown in major international group exhibitions including Documenta IX, Kassel; Aperto XLV Venice Biennale); Castello di Rivoli, Turin; Quadriennale, Rome; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; PS1, New York; De Appel, Amsterdam; La Triennale; MAXXI, Rome; Galleria Nazionale d’arte, Roma; 58th Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion.


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