ROUND TABLE “Lilith, Akin, San, Ido, and others: Mythopoesis as Resistance” led by Bianca Stoppani
This roundtable discussion will explore those contemporary art and feminist speculative fiction practices which create stories with an emancipatory potential. Specifically, we will consider beings exceeding the anthropocentric paradigms of humanity, volume, and reality, as agents of political resistance. Among these bodies-at-large, there are Lilith and Akin, the characters from Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy, as well as images, sculptures, fictional characters, AI-generated things, planets, and so on. The aim is to create a space where to speculate with the desires, forces, and politics of such beings, by siding with them and asking: Which questions about the present times do these beings trigger? And how to
participate in the strategies of resistance they articulate, in order to rewrite that very same
The panel will include Veronica Raimo Writer, Lito
Kattou, Artist; and will be moderated by Bianca Stoppani, Art Researcher.